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Bot Libre Forum

How to Connect a Bot to WeChat

by admin posted Sep 6 2017, 11:08

Through Bot Libre, you can now send and receive messages on WeChat with your own bot. This "How To" will give you a step by step process to connect your bot with WeChat.

Step 1 - Create a Bot

First you must create a bot that you want to connect to WeChat, or you can use one of your existing bots. To create a bot, follow the instructions here: How to create your own chat bot in 10 clicks.

Step 2 - Apply for a WeChat Account

Go to http://apply.wechat.com/ and fill out the registration form.

It may take a few days to be approved, then you can sign in to the WeChat Official Account Admin Platform.

Enter your registration email and password, then click the "Log In" button.

Step 3 - WeChat Admin Platform Setup

Scroll down to the 'Developer' section on the menu on the left of the screen and click on 'Basic Configuration.'

Copy down the AppID and AppSecret, as you will need to enter them into your bot's Admin Console on the Bot Libre site.

Next, return to the Bot Libre site and navigate to your bot's Admin Console.

Step 4Enter Bot Settings on Bot Libre

Click on the 'WeChat' link in your bot's Admin Console.

Enter the 'AppID' and 'AppSecret' from the WeChat Developer configuration page into the corresponding fields on your bot's WeChat admin page on Bot Libre.

Enter any set of characters into the 'Token' field. You will need to enter the same token on the WeChat Admin Platform later. Copy down the 'WeChat Messaging Endpoint URL' as you will need to enter that on the WeChat Admin Platform as well. If you are using an International WeChat account, select that radio button, otherwise select China Account.

Click the 'Save' button to complete the bot configuration on the Bot Libre site.

Next, return to the Developer Basic Configuration page on the WeChat Official Account Admin Platform site.

Step 5 - WeChat Server Settings Configuration

Click the 'Edit' button to continue.

In the 'URL' field, enter the 'WeChat Messaging Endpoint URL' from your bot's Admin Console from the previous step. In the 'Token' field, enter the token you had previously entered on your bot's Admin Console. If the 'EncodingAESKey' field is not filled out, click the 'Random' button or enter your own.

Scroll down and click the 'Submit' button to complete the server configuration.

Next, click the 'Enable' button to finish up on the WeChat Official Account Admin Platform.

Your bot should now be able to send and receive messages on WeChat. If you encountered any issues, or would like help setting up your bot please email us at [email protected] or upgrade to our Platinum service and we can build your bot for you.

Id: 18979672
Tags: blog, how to, wechat, china
Posted: Sep 6 2017, 11:08
Updated: Aug 9 2018, 14:12
Replies: 0
Views: 11382, today: 122, week: 126, month: 153
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